3D 생물학: 차세대 신약 개발의 패러다임 전환[인터랙티브 인포그래픽]

The drug discovery landscape is changing.

Bringing a drug to market has historically been time-consuming and costly, with many candidates failing in the first phase of clinical trials. Growing evidence suggests that screening compounds early in the process using traditional models – like animals, and cell cultures propagated in 2D – may be a contributing factor. Researchers are now navigating toward complex, human-relevant 3D systems like organoids, as they are believed to better represent how the body might respond to treatment.

여기에서는 업계가 차세대 신약 개발을 위해 오가노이드를 수용하는 이유에 대해 자세히 알아보고 3D 생물학 실험 여정을 수행하고 있는 과학자를 지원하는 혁신을 선보입니다.

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